Millennium bcp pursues dynamic strategies appropriate to the renewed challenges imposed by the different Stakeholders with which it is related – Employees, Customers, Shareholders, Suppliers and others. Thus, materializes a business model based on an offer of products and services incorporating social and environmental principles, a continuous and transparent dialogue and the adoption of sustainability policies. These foster a culture of Social Responsability and aim to influence positively the organisation’s value proposition in the long-term, balanced with the well-being of people, the company and communities in which it operates, while preserving natural resources, climate and the environment.
The three major areas:
Involvement with the external community and with the internal community;
Offer of products and services incorporating social and environmental principles;
Sharing sustainability principles.
The Group respects and commits to support the United Nations 10 Global Compact Principles which establish a set of values in what concerns Human Rights, Labour Conditions, Environment Protection and Anti-corruption. BCP also acknowledges the importance of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the United Nations and its Development Agenda.
Relation with Stakeholders
The identification and the ongoing follow-up of the themes considered material by the Stakeholders of Millennium bcp enabled the Bank to know the areas that show better performances within the scope of Sustainability.
Materiality Matrix
Matrix in force since January 2018. In December 2018, the Bank reviewed the risks.
Identification and integration of expectations
The identification and the ongoing follow-up of the themes considered material by the Stakeholders of Millennium bcp enabled the Bank to know the areas that show better performances within the scope of Sustainability – which need to be consolidated –, but also enabled it to rapidly detect improvement opportunities – which need to be developed – representing a strong contribution for the adoption of an appropriate sustainability strategy adapted to new realities, challenges and requirements.
The strategy of Millennium bcp in terms of Sustainability is translated in the Sustainability Master Plan (SMP), a multi-annual plan of commitments that aggregates a number of actions to be carried out by the Bank. The definition of the actions part of the SMP is based on a balanced relation between the identified relevant material issues, the Bank’s available resources and the economic and market framework existing at the time.
Geographic distribution (Employees)
Breakdown by gender (Employees)
more than 625,000 hours, an average of 39 hours/Employee
Active digital Customers
Communities – Donations
Total energy consumption
(1) Includes the cogeneration plant in Portugal; excludes the data centre in Portugal and data from Mozambique.
GHG emissionsⓘ
Materials consumption
(1) The scope (in terms of reported materials) of reporting was changed to allow comparability with that reported in 2018.
Economic Responsibility
The BCP Group has been developing its activity in a responsible manner towards Employees, Customers, Shareholders, Suppliers and remaining Stakeholders, always guiding its performance by the compliance with internal principles of rigour, the applicable legislation and the regulations issued by the supervision and regulatory authorities.
Social Responsibility
The BCP Group’s strategy is the promotion of a culture of social responsibility, developing actions for and with several groups of Stakeholders aiming at, directly and indirectly, contributing to the social development of the countries where it operates. It is within this scope of proximity to the communities that Millennium bcp has materialized its social responsibility policy, focusing its intervention on cultural, educational and social initiatives.
Participate and share
Financial literacy
Fundação Millennium bcp
Products and services
Employee benefits
Environmental Responsibility
The BCP Group has been putting in place a sustainability strategy that incorporates and promotes a culture of environmental responsibility and fight against climate changes in line with its strategic objectives of digital and technological innovation.