Fundação Millennium BCP

Fundação Millennium bcp is an agent for the creation of value in society and of promotion of sustainability and innovation, in the areas of Culture, Knowledge and Social Solidarity.

In the development of its activity, the Foundation tried to favour policies and initiatives able to respond to the challenges placed in aspects such as the social, environment and governance, aligning its performance with the main guidelines of the Sustainability Master Plan of Banco Comercial Português, especially in the areas of influence of the Foundation.

In 2020, the Foundation supported a total of 100 projects, of which 54% in the area of Culture, 18% in Knowledge and 28% in Social Solidarity.

In the development of its activity, the Foundation tried to favour policies and initiatives able to respond to the challenges placed in aspects such as the social, environment and governance, aligning its performance with the main guidelines of the Sustainability Master Plan of Banco Comercial Português, especially in the areas of influence of the Foundation.

In 2020, the Foundation supported a total of 100 projects, of which 54% in the area of Culture, 18% in Knowledge and 28% in Social Solidarity.
