
In 2020, Millennium bcp was once again alongside people, society and local communities in the continued creation of social value and the protection of the environment, climate and biodiversity.

Millennium bcp pursues dynamic strategies adapted to the new challenges imposed by the several interested parties with which it establishes relations. The main objectives of the adopted sustainability policies, which foster a culture of Social Responsibility, has been to positively influence the organisation’s value proposition in the long term, balanced with the well-being of the people, the company and communities in which it operates, while preserving natural resources, climate and the environment.

Millennium bcp remains committed to the 10 Principles of the United Nations Global Compact and has invested in measures related to human rights, labor practices, environmental protection and anti-corruption. The Group is also pursuing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda, having published, in 2020, its first progress report on the “Contribution of Millennium bcp to the United Nations SDGs”.

Millennium bcp pursues dynamic strategies adapted to the new challenges imposed by the several interested parties with which it establishes relations. The main objectives of the adopted sustainability policies, which foster a culture of Social Responsibility, has been to positively influence the organisation’s value proposition in the long term, balanced with the well-being of the people, the company and communities in which it operates, while preserving natural resources, climate and the environment.

Millennium bcp remains committed to the 10 Principles of the United Nations Global Compact and has invested in measures related to human rights, labor practices, environmental protection and anti-corruption. The Group is also pursuing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda, having published, in 2020, its first progress report on the “Contribution of Millennium bcp to the United Nations SDGs”.

Millennium bcp developed a governance model and a Sustainability Master Plan for 2020-2021 that ensures alignment of the value proposal, business processes and practices and the support operations with Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) principles. In implementing this central pillar, the Bank has also been strengthening the offer of products and services with the inclusion of ESG criteria, in a dynamic transformation that allows to respond, in an integrated and coherent way, to the increasing requests and needs of Customers.

The Bank’s intervention focuses on three major axes:


Implementation of measures fostering a fair and inclusive transition to a decarbonised economic development model, including the incorporation of the environmental aspect into the Bank’s risk models.


Involvement with both the external and the internal communities.

Corporate governance

Integration of sustainability principles into the Bank’s decision-making processes.

Relation with Stakeholders

The strategy of Millennium bcp in the wake of sustainability is defined, in all its components, in the 2021 Sustainability Master Plan.

Materiality Matrix

1 – Sustainability Governance Model
2 – Economic performance, business and sustainability strategy
3 – Brand and reputation management
4 – Ethics and conduct
5 – Combating corruption and money laundering
6 – Risk management
7 – Quality of service, customer satisfaction and ease in filing complaints and complaints
8 – Information security and data protection
9 – Transparency of information provided to customers about products and services
10 – Innovation
11 – Development and training of human capital
12 – Attracting and retaining talent
13 – Diversity and equal opportunities
14 – Occupational health and safety
15 – Reconciling personal and professional life

16 – Respect for Human Rights
17 – Investment in the community
18 – Corporate volunteering
19 – Financial Literacy
20 – Climate change, energy efficiency and alternative energies
21 – Eco-efficiency
22 – Environmental training and awareness (to employees, customers and the community)
23 – Products / services with social benefit and support to the business fabric
24 – Products / services with environmental benefit
25 – Financial inclusion
26 – Accessibility conditions for people with reduced mobility
27 – Integration of environmental and social criteria in credit risk analysis and investment management
28 – Over-indebtedness prevention
29 – Responsible supplier management
30 – Digital transformation in banking and its impact on sustainability

It is within this context that the identification and the ongoing follow-up of the themes considered material by the Stakeholders of Millennium bcp – such as the one carried out in 2019 and planned to be carried out once again in 2021 – has been enabling the Bank to know the areas that show better performances in terms of Sustainability, but also enabled it to rapidly detect improvement opportunities representing a strong contribution for the adoption of an appropriate sustainability strategy adapted to new realities, challenges and requirements.

Sustainability Ecosystem

Reference framework of the Sustainability activity carried out by Millennium bcp, within the scope of commitments, policies, governance model and reporting, and the expected evolution in the context of the 2021 Sustainability Master Plan (PDS).

Geographic distribution
Breakdown by gender


more than 685,000 training hours, an average of 40 hours/Employee





index points

international activity



million euros


Total energy consumption
Greenhouse gas emissions
Materials consumption

Highlighted indicators



Electricity: 23,228 MWh (-5%)
Emissions: 20,706 tCO2 (-41%)
Water: 93,391 m³ (-1%)
Materials: 491 t (+20%)
Waste: 277 t (+13%)

Training hours: 250,050
Trainees: 12,874 (8,405 W; 4,469 M)
Donations: 324,525 €
Volunteering work hours: (*)
Number of volunteers: (*)

(*) Not applicable. It was not possible to carry out volunteer actions due to the Covid-19 pandemic.


Electricity: 97 MWh (-15%)
Emissions: 3 tCO2 (-15%)
Materials: 0 t (-100%)
Waste: 0.03 t (-43%)

Training hours: 1,269
Trainees: 165 (42 W; 123 M)
Donations: 22,152 €


Electricity: 35,889 MWh (-13%)
Emissions: 10,309 tCO2 (-35%)
Water: 115,426 m³ (-37%)
Materials: 819 t (-33%)
Waste: 489 t (+41%)

Training hours: 409,801
Trainees: 6,831 (3,887 W; 2,944 M)
Donations: 1,360,472 €
Volunteering work hours: (*)
Number of volunteers: (*)

(*) Not applicable. It was not possible to carry out volunteer actions due to the Covid-19 pandemic.


Materials: 423 t (-11%)
Waste: 3 t (-89%)

Training hours: 24,727
Trainees: 2,589 (1,332 W; 1,257 M)
Donations: 292,198 €
Volunteering work hours: (*)
Number of volunteers: (*)

(*) Not applicable. It was not possible to carry out volunteer actions due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Economic Responsibility

Social Responsibility

Environmental Responsibility

Economic Responsibility

BCP Group has been developing its activity in a responsible manner towards Employees, Customers, Shareholders, Suppliers and remaining Stakeholders, always guiding its performance by the compliance with internal principles of rigour, the applicable legislation and the regulations issued by the supervision and regulatory authorities.

(Click on the images to find out more)

Group BCP is constantly seeking to be near its Customers by means of diversified distribution channels – Branches, Internet, Call Centre, Mobile Banking, ATM and POS – to adequately respond to the contact needs between the Customer and the Bank. In the wake of its social commitment, it promotes accessibility to disabled persons in the several channels used to contact the Bank.
Millennium bcp provides a space to its shareholders, the “Shareholder’s Club”, through which it intends to be closer to those who own stakes of its share capital. With this service they may communicate in a close manner with the Bank wherein they invested and also access products and services of the Bank under preferential conditions and to a set of benefits agreed between Millennium bcp and its partners.
Group BCP gives to all its employees a fair and equal treatment, with equal opportunities, promoting meritocracy in all stages of their professional careers, defining the remuneration of the employees in accordance with his/her category and degree of compliance with the established goals, observing a salary ratio of 1:1 between men and women, with similar functions and levels of responsibility. The Bank also recognises the importance of ongoing training to ensure business sustainability and endeavours to provide its Employees with the tools necessary for the execution of their activities.
Within the scope of the Commitment of top management to diversity and gender equality, Millennium bcp renewed its active participation, for the biennium of 2021/2022, in the activities developed by the iGen – Organisations for Gender Equality Forum, promoted by CITE – Commission for Equality in Labour and Employment. In this context, Millennium bcp is part of one of the Task Forces created in this Forum, which is committed to developing initiatives subordinate to the theme: Gender Equality Measures.

Social Responsibility

The BCP Group’s strategy is the promotion of a culture of social responsibility, developing actions for and with several groups of Stakeholders aiming at, directly and indirectly, contributing to the social development of the countries where it operates. It is within this scope of proximity to the communities that Millennium bcp has materialized its social responsibility policy, focusing its intervention on culture, education and social support initiatives.

(Click on the images to find out more)

Participate and sharing
The Bank has been organizing, supporting and following up internal solidarity actions, within the scope of its Social Responsibility policy in Portugal, that promote a culture of proximity and add social value. In Poland, Bank Millennium continues to carry out a significant number of actions within the scope of culture and volunteering, and, in Mozambique, the Bank's social commitment is embodied in the "Mais Moçambique p’ra Mim" programme. Voluntary actions were also carried out in Switzerland, led by Millennium Banque Privée, and in Angola, implemented by Banco Millennium Angola.
Financial literacy
In all its operations, the BCP Group assumes as one its strategic goal the increase of financial literacy. An example of that commitment are the actions that the Bank has been developing on an ongoing manner to increase the financial knowledge of the individuals, namely young people, always bearing in mind the importance of a generalized adoption of responsible banking behaviours and of a clear, balance and informed decision-making process.
Fundação Millennium bcp
Culture, Knowledge and Social Solidarity are the three main components of the activities performed by Fundação Millennium bcp. By supporting projects in these three areas, the Foundation aims at developing society, in its several components, and promote the activities developed by the supported entities so that these are able to increase their innovation and sustainability potential.
Social aid within a pandemic context
The swift definition and implementation of measures and the strong focus on the direct communication with the Employees, enabled Millennium bcp to protect People and Business and, in spite of the required physical distance, we remained close and stood by those who needed us, internally and externally.
Products and services
The BCP Group offers a complete and broad range of financial products and services, and continues, under the development of its business lines, responsible for offering an increasing number of products and services which incorporate social principles and respect for the environment and nature. It’s also aware that the implementation of social and environmental criteria and standards in the commercial offer is reflected in more efficient risk management, reputation value and higher quality of the products and services offered to Customers, meeting the needs and ambitions of a market increasingly related with sustainability.
Employee benefits
The BCP Group provides a diversified set of social benefits to its Employees that go beyond what is set forth in the legislation applicable in the different countries where it operates. The benefits include several areas, such as health and safety, credit, pareting, education, culture, sports and leisure.
In BCP Group, the process for selecting suppliers mainly obeys criteria of global competence of the company, functionality, quality and flexibility of the specific solutions to acquire and ongoing capacity of providing the service. In all the Group's operations, it is given preference to purchasing from Suppliers of the respective country, registering 92.2% in payments to local suppliers. The Bank's main suppliers are companies that publish their economic, environmental and social performance, assuring a responsible purchase of goods and services.
In 2020, in Portugal, the Bank revised the Suppliers Sustainability Guidelines, which are now part of all the contracts for the purchase of goods and provision of services signed by Millennium bcp. This document includes aspects such as compliance with the law, environmental and labour good practices, but also human rights and the application of these principles in the contracting of third parties.

Environmental Responsibility

The climate approach of Group BCP is based on the promotion of a culture of environmental responsibility and management, involving commitments and goals, action plans, investment and procedures for the management of the several environmental aspects, especially those related with climate changes, energy efficiency and the eco-efficient performance of its operations. Currently, there are several commitments, tools and indexes with which BCP aligns its environmental responsibility ambition, of which we highlight the award A- in CDP Climate Change, in 2020.

(Click on the images to find out more)

Sustainable operations
The Bank regularly monitors a series of environmental performance indicators which measure the Bank's eco-efficiency with regard to its main consumption of resources. 2020 was an atypical year, featured by the pandemic Covid-19 and by its economic, social and environmental impacts; therefore, this should be taken into account in the performance analysis achieved.
The commitment of Group BCP is based on minimising its carbon footprint and on supporting its clients in the transition into a low carbon economy so as to contribute for the achievement of the objectives defined by the international political agenda. In 2020, the Bank has been enhancing this effort to mitigate its carbon footprint, not only by minimising the emissions deriving from its activity but also through initiatives to compensate the emissions.
Energy effiency
BCP Group continued to invest in operating efficiency measures, in the various operations, by optimizing processes and equipment’s, reinforcing a set of measures to decrease consumption, giving way to not only technological gains but also financial and environmental ones. Another priority of Group BCP in this area is the production and consumption of renewable energy and the Group assumed, in the 2021 Sustainability Master Plan, commitments related with increasing the number of solar energy plants and the consumption and purchase of renewable energy.
Management of resources
Globally, BCP Group recorded a reduction in total water consumption and in the consumption of its principal materials (paper and cardboard, plastic and toners).

Millennium bcp energy efficiency path in Portugal (2010-2020)

Electric energy consumption (MWh)
Energy produced by solar panels (MWh)
Electric energy consumption, since 2010
Reduction in 
61 %
Electric energy consumption/Employee, since 2010
Reduction in 
43 %
Energy and interior air quality certification
Classification B 
71 %

Main recognitions and partnerships
